Receipt printers

Ethernet printers

Your cash register connects directly to your receipt printer in order to print your receipts, your production levels for the kitchen and your daily reports.

Info : the French law requires any merchant to deliver to the client a receipt when the amount of the purchase exceeds € 25 or if the client asks you.
If the amount is less than €25, you can still issue a receipt attesting the purchase, if you don’t, then you’re obliged to display the total amount to the customer with the help of a customer display.
To learn more about customer displays, please go to the section Customer displays.


Supported Ethernet printers :


Ethernet printer setup :

· Necessary equipment :

  • A compatible receipt printer
  • The power cord
  • A standard Ethernet cable
  • A Wifi router or an Internet box

Info : A Wifi router or an Internet box are required to print tickets from an Ethernet printer. The printer must be connected to the router using the Ethernet cable. If your Wifi router or Internet box is too far away, you can also use Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) boxes.


· Connections :

  1. Connect the printer to the Wifi router or Internet box using the Ethernet cable
  2. Connect the printer to an electrical outlet using the power cord.
  3. Load the printer with paper and turn on the printer with the power switch. The printer light turns on.


· Adding the printer on the cash register :

Info : your printer must be on the same IP address range as your Wifi router or Internet box. For this, please refer to the documentation of your printer.
If you bought your printer from us, this configuration has already be done for you !

Before starting, print the test ticket from your printer to find the IP address of your printer.

  1. Turn off the printer
  2. Click on the button Feed, this button advances the paper
  3. While holding down this button, turn on the printer

A ticket will then be printed giving you the IP address of your printer in the format “192.168.0.XXX” or “192.168.1.XXX”.
On a few models, pressing the button on the back of the printer is enough to print the ticket indicating the IP address of it.


· On the cash register :

  1. From the main screen, click on Peripherals at the top right corner of the screen
  2. Click on + Add
  3. Fill in the name of the printer
  4. Set the type of printing, Ticket and Prints
    Your single printer can be used both as a receipt printer and a preparation printer. Or prefer a printer for your tickets and one or more printers for your preparations. The configurations are multiple !
    In addition, if the box Tickets and Prints is ticked, it’s possible to select the items for which the editions will be printed on the printer.
  5. Select the type of connection Wifi_Ethernet and fill in the IP address of your printer
  6. On Template, set the printer model
  7. Set the ticket printing width on 80mm or 57mm (Ticket width)
  8. Click on Test
    Then, the printer is printing a ticket which confirms that the association went well
  9. Click on Add to validate your printer setup.


· Setting the actions of my printers :

Three options are at your disposal and allow you to indicate when your receipt or preparation ticket must be printed.
You can find these options in Settings > Automatic printing.
They can all be selected, or only one by one.
You should know that if you don’t select anything, the application will offer you the possibility to manually print your ticket by clicking on the Note button on the cashing screen.

  • Before cashing / collection

This option allows you to automatically print the ticket before cashing. It’s useful if you give the bill to your client before cashing it, which is the case in restaurants for example.

  • When cashed / After payment

This option allows you to automatically print the ticket after cashing. This option can be selected alone, or combined with the first option and in this case, the application will print a ticket before and a second after cashing.

  • Preparation / Delivery order

This option allows you to automatically print the preparation order at the moment when your note is put on hold or when you go to the cashing screen.