Backoffice setup

Means of payment management – Backoffice

By default, several means of payment are already created on your cash register. These means of payment are fixed and can’t be modified, however your are free to activate them or not if you don’t accept them.

The activation or deactivation of means of payment can be done only from your cash register.
In order to know how to do this, please go to the section Activating a mean of payment.

If a mean of payment is missing, you can also create a new mean of payment.


Creating a new mean of payment

  1. From the main screen, click on Data > Means of payment
  2. In the tab “My means of payment”, click on + at the bottom right corner of the screen
  3. Fill in the name of the mean of payment
  4. If necessary, tick the box Cash-drawer opening
    This option will automatically open the cash drawer when this mean of payment will be selected
  5. If necessary, define digital values for this mean of payment
    Thanks to this option, you can specify some predefined values that will be displayed when the mean of payment will be chosen. For example, you can specify the values defined for holiday vouchers.
  6. Validate the creation of the new mean of payment

This mean of payment is now available of your cashing screen.
The manually created means of payment can’t be activated or disabled, they are automatically activated.


Removal of a mean of payment

Removing a mean of payment allows you to remove it from the the cashing screen but also to permanently delete it from your data. However, this one will still be kept in your invoice history and also in your sales statistics.

· Removal of a mean of payment

  1. From the main screen, click on Data > Means of payment
  2. Click on the tab “My means of payment”
  3. Choose the mean of payment to remove and click on Delete
  4. Click on Confirm to delete it

The mean of payment is now permanently deleted.