
Using loyalty points on the cash register

First of all, you must request the activation of the loyalty module from your distributor.

Associate a client to a loyalty offer on a note

Clients must be associated with the notes in order to accumulate points on their loyalty accounts and benefit from your loyalty offers, so don’t forget to associate your client with the note.

  1. From the main screen, open a new note by clicking on a sales mode
  2. At the top right corner of the note entry screen, click on Client
  3. Then, you have three options to associate your client with the note :
    – Enter the phone number of your client, whether or not he is a new client
    – Click on the button Clients under the keypad and search for your client or create a new one
    – Scan directly your client’s barcode loyalty card from the note entry screen, which automatically associate your client with the ticket. So that the customer is automatically recognized, it will be necessary to associate the barcode of the card to the reference field on the client’s card
  4. Select the products ordered by your client and proceed to the cashing

Important : during his second visit, your client will receive an SMS inviting him to create his account and fill in his personal information. Its client’s card will be automatically updated on your cash register and you will not have to enter this information.

If the products purchased by your client are generating points or if a loyalty offer is detected, your client’s loyalty account will be credited accordingly.


Use the client’s loyalty points on a note

Clients must be associated with the notes in order to accumulate points on their loyalty accounts and benefit from your loyalty offers, so don’t forget to associate your client with the note.

  1. From the main screen, open a new note by clicking on a sales mode
  2. At the top right corner of the note entry screen, click on Client
  3. Enter the phone number of your client or search for him by clicking on the button Clients and select him
  4. Select the products ordered by your client and click on Invoice or select one of your favourite mean of payment at the top of the screen
  5. A tab opens and allows you to offer the products concerned by the offer by using the balance of points of your client :
    – to offer a product, click on Offer
    – to no longer offer a product, click on Offered
  6. Click on Validate at the bottom of the tab

Then, the products offered are deducted from the total amount and appear as Offered on your client’s receipt.

The receipt also displays the client’s previous balance, the number of loyalty points used, the number of points earned and the new client’s balance; only when your client uses his points and not at each client’s visit.


Consult a client’s loyalty account from the cash register

  1. From your cash register, click on Clients in the left menu
  2. Select the client you want to view
  3. At the top of the screen, click on the Loyalty tab
  4. You can also view the loyalty points history of your client
    Here you will find the date of the order, the product concerned, the previous loyalty balance, the amount of accumulated loyalty points (in positive or negative) and the new balance of his loyalty points
  5. In the drop-down menu at the top left corner of the screen, you can select the offers in progress of your client
    This corresponds to the progress of your client in the offers you have. You can click on the magnifying glass to the right of your offer to see the detail of his orders.
  6. In the drop-down menu at the top left corner of the screen, you can select the offers already reached by your client
    This corresponds to the offers your client has already received. You can click on the magnifying glass to the right of your offer to see the detail of his orders.

The receipt also displays the client’s previous balance, the number of loyalty points used, the number of points earned and the new client’s balance; only when your client uses his points and not at each client’s visit.