Android app use

User identification

Users management can be convenient in many cases.
If you want to limit access to some features for your employees or have sales statistics per user, then you need to set up user management.
Create user profiles and set permissions according to the position of your employees (manager, salesman, server, crew, management…). Then, assign the correct profile to the right user.

In order to learn how to configure the user profiles and the users, please go to the section User management.
User management is a non-mandatory option that you can choose to set up or not.


User identification on your cash register

Users can login directly from the main screen of the Cash register

  1. From the main screen, enter your password
  2. Click on Validate

You are now identified on the Cash register and your name appears on the main screen.


User change on your Cash register

  1. From the main screen, click on the name of the identified user.
  2. Enter your Password
  3. Click on Validate

You are now identified on the Cash register and your name appears on the main screen.

Trick : when a user doesn’t have the right to access to a Cash register functionality, a password is required to allow the action. Only a user who has the rights to access to this functionality will be able to validate and authorize the identified user to access to this one.